10 principles for reducing food waste together
Together with leading companies from the Norwegian food industry, NORSUS and Matvett, under the auspices of the research project BREAD, have developed ten principles for responsible and inclusive innovation and collaboration processes to reduce food waste. The principles can be referred to as a roadmap for the entire food industry with shared values and norms and provide an important direction for food waste work towards 2030.

1. We must challenge ourselves to improve together
All actors must contribute to putting food waste on the agenda in the value chain, empower consumers and share good practices.
2. We must cooperate more in the value chain
This implies building trust and working together for better solutions.
3. We must facilitate openness and sharing in the value chain
This means clarifying common goals, sharing food waste-relevant information, and coordinating better.
4. We must think holistically
Through cooperation, the total amount of food waste must be reduced, not just by individual actors.
5. We must create ownership and incentives for reducing food waste throughout the organization
This includes setting goals, monitoring, building competencies and food waste culture, and integrating food waste perspectives into all the organization's processes.
6. We must get consumers on board
This means analysing consumer behaviour better, giving them better knowledge and building a culture of acceptance so that food commodities should not always be abundant or flawless.
7. We must increase dialogue with consumers
This implies more interactive forms of communication where consumers are more involved in product development and innovation in the industry.
8. We must involve the authorities in dialogue
The authorities should build up or support industry-led initiatives and reduce regulatory barriers against important food waste initiatives.
9. We must pass on our knowledge
From its various angles, the industry should contribute to food waste initiatives towards buyers, the education sector and other players who can contribute to competence building and good attitudes among its own employees and society.
10. We should, to a greater extent, be part of new research collaborations
This means contributing to the production of new knowledge that is relevant and targeted to reduce food waste.
Will your company support the principles? Send an e-mail to Matvett at info@matvett.no.